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400 Years of Imaginary Friends: A Journey Into the World of Adepts, Masters, Ascended Masters, and Their Messengers
This book is available at both Amazon (US) and Amazon (CDA).
The Ascended Masters Light the Way: Beacons of Ascension
This book is available at both Amazon (US) and Amazon (CDA).
Golden Keys to Ascension and Healing: Revelations of Sai Baba and the Ascended Masters
This book is available at both Amazon (US) and Amazon (CDA).
Messages from the Masters: Tapping Into the Power of Love
This book is available at both Amazon (US) and Amazon (CDA).
The Essence of Wisdom: Words from the Masters to Illuminate the Spiritual Path
This book is available at both Amazon (US) and Amazon (CDA).
The Masters and the Spiritual Path
This book is available at both Amazon (US) and Amazon (CDA).