The books listed herein will help you realize the importance of positive thinking.
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The Perfect Power Within You by Jack Ensign Addington and Cornelia Addington
This book is available at both Amazon (US) and Amazon (CDA).
The Power of Thought by Glenn Bland
This book is available at both Amazon (US) and Amazon (CDA).
Soul Power: The Transformation When You Know by Nikki de Carteret
This book is available at both Amazon (US) and Amazon (CDA).
The Secrets of the Power of Intention by Wayne W. Dyer
This audio CD is available at both Amazon (US) and Amazon (CDA).
Find and Use Your Inner Power by Emmet Fox
This book is available at both Amazon (US) and Amazon (CDA).
Living in the Light: A Guide to Personal and Planetary Transformation by Shakti Gawain and Laurel King
This book is available at both Amazon (US) and Amazon (CDA).
Living in the Light Workbook: A Guide to Personal and Planetary Transformation by Shakti Gawain and Laurel King
This book is available at both Amazon (US) and Amazon (CDA).
The Path of Transformation: How Healing Ourselves Can Change the World by Shakti Gawain and Caroline Myss
This book is available at Amazon (US).
Tibetan Art of Positive Thinking by Christopher Hansard
This book is available at both Amazon (US) and Amazon (CDA).
Creative Mind: Tapping the Power Within by Ernest Holmes
This book is available at both Amazon (US) and Amazon (CDA).
Positive Thinking by Kelly Howell
This audio cassette is available at both Amazon (US) and Amazon (CDA).
8,789 Words Of Wisdom by Barbara Ann Kipfer and Matthew Wawiorka
This book is available at both Amazon (US) and Amazon (CDA).
The Amazing Laws of Cosmic Mind Power by Joseph Murphy
This book is available at both Amazon (US) and Amazon (CDA).
Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale
This set is available at both Amazon (US) and Amazon (CDA).
Three Complete Books: The Power of Positive Thinking; The Positive Principle Today; Enthusiasm Makes the Difference
by Norman Vincent Peale
This book is available at both Amazon (US) and Amazon (CDA).
The Little Book of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale
This book is available at both Amazon (US) and Amazon (CDA).
Amazing Results of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale
This book is available at both Amazon (US) and Amazon (CDA).
Positive Thinking Every Day: An Inspiration for Each Day of the Year by Norman Vincent Peale
This book is available at both Amazon (US) and Amazon (CDA).
The Power of Positive Thinking: A Practical Guide to Mastering the Problems of Everyday Living by Norman Vincent Peale
This book is available at both Amazon (US) and Amazon (CDA).
Positive Thinking: Everything You Have Always Known about Positive Thinking But Were Afraid to Put Into Practice by Vera Peiffer
This book is available at both Amazon (US) and Amazon (CDA).
Hope for a Better World: The Cooperative Communities Way by J. Donald Walters
This book is available at both Amazon (US) and Amazon (CDA).
Peace Treaty by J. Donald Walters
This book is available at both Amazon (US) and Amazon (CDA).
The Up Side of Being Down: A Simple Guide for Healing Negativity with Mind Fitness by Joy L. Watson
This book is available at both Amazon (US) and Amazon (CDA).
The Mind of the Soul: Responsible Choice by Gary Zukav and Linda Francis
This book is available at both Amazon (US) and Amazon (CDA).